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Writer's pictureHeidi Nehring

Excerpt from "Among the Pines: A Book of Poetry"

Available on Amazon

“Between every two pines is a doorway to another world.” -John Muir

One cannot deny the important role John Muir played in nature writing. It was the start of that all natural connection with the world around us with the world within us. For anyone that read his works, his writings were obviously the beginning of getting deeper within the realm of creating a personal relationship with self and the higher Self - God. I have always felt that natural connection when walking out the backdoor away from artificial lighting and sound to what’s real; what’s true. I can recall when I was younger, sitting on a big, cold boulder during autumn in the stillness of the woods, eyes closed, warmth of the sun on my back, when I heard something moving. Maybe a deer? Opening my eyes, I looked around and didn’t see anything. Still hearing the sound, I peered down next to the rock. I couldn’t believe what it was. An earthworm pushing a dry leaf to the side trying to reach the surface of the earth. I was frightened at first because it sounded like a bigger animal foraging near me. Taking in the information through the senses created such a meaningful experience, a powerful connected between two life forces – myself and the earthworm. There can be no substitute when creating and redefining the relationship with natural bliss, regardless of how “small”.

I challenged myself this past year whenever an internal experience in nature as such arose to write it down. Whether inspiration struck during an ill-lit morning, a meander to the boat landing, a walk around my hometown, or in reflection days after an experience, I wrote whatever arose. I didn’t worry if it was good or not. Wherever the emotions, mind, and heart went I embraced it without judgement (most of the time). That’s what writing is to me – truth in a moment. Overall, poetry is not poetry without vulnerability. It’s about the heart first. Structure later. At least it is for me. Hopefully within the pages between the words there are doorways of light to walk on through for enrichment, abundance, and enlightenment. Thank you for walking with me Among the Pines.

Heidi Nehring is a yoga teacher and author, an intellect who seeks inspirations and aspirations to keep expanding the heart, opportunities to learn from others, open to the journey, the practices of continual renewal, and the loving relationship with God.

See Books page for other works of poetry and spiritual nonfiction.

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