It’s really hard to explain the effect that Ecuador had within me.
Having been back for a week now, I have been trying to replicate and re-create so many of the things I experienced, felt, and tasted that I just can’t do. There’s a fear of losing the pure freedom (moksha) and joy (mudita) that was so palpable in the beings at the equator. Within The space offered. And you could feel its realness, it’s Truth. That we are meant to be joyful and free. When connected to pure elements, when making relationships with Earth (and others that walk with you) among the green, the gravel, the dirt, the foods and freshness of ripeness, the sugars are so flavorful, so sweet, without being sweet, wanting to carry that satiated feeling with you everywhere and savor it in every moment.
Ecuador offered me space to experience that joy. I and the people with me were so ready and open to it. To receive. Pure bliss. I’ve never felt so free.
That’s what joy is - freshness, sweetness, that’s not overpowering, but subtle; wanting to take sips like humming birds, not gulps. To savor.
Joy is spirit, it’s the nectar, it’s that which flows from the middle where creativity and knowledge and purpose and passion combine to create heat and heart and love and nourishment and movement. Freedom.
Joy is in the immediate. It’s in here. It’s in there now.
May we continue to create space within ourselves to accept the joy that’s palpable in the every day.
La Lomita, Nano, Hans, Carmen, Luis, and all other sentient beings there, we love you! Thank you for teaching us what it means to live with heart.
Thank you Meg and Vanessa for the preparation, teachings, and growth.
Thank you my roomie (Cassie) and the whole Heart group for practicing with me what it means to hold space, that joy is found also in the cold and hot tears, in the laughter from the gut, that joy is not separate from emotion, but within the emotional expression. Freedom is found when sensitivity breaks open. Te amo!