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Writer's pictureHeidi Nehring

Spiritual Wakes: Letting Nature Guide and Direct

Sunday Reflections by Heidi Nehring

I remember when I was at Concordia College in the middle of obtaining my masters for art education. There was a sculpting class I took in which we created relief sculptures. I was entranced by a woman from the class who was a sailor and she created a beautiful masterpiece of a boat in waves that one could not deny she had been a part of, that she experienced firsthand, and the art reflected the spiritual endeavor.

Weather, wind, water has always been an intriguing phenomenon to me. I have learned to have nothing but the most utter respect for nature and what it offers and provides. There have been countless endeavors in which I have been paddle boarding, the water was calm, the sky was clear, and in the distance I could see clouds beginning to roll in. The skies would move fast, the wind would pick up, and no matter how much I would pick up the pace, here I was stuck in the middle of the lake beginning to turn in circles. On countless occasions I had to get on hands and knees in order to gain the grit, muscle, and strength in order to make it back to shore. And what should’ve taken about 15 minutes, took triple time, arriving on the shore exhausted, shaky, and in utter awe of the miracle that just experienced. I know now, regardless of how much I want to be in nature, to turn back sooner than later.

Upon hiking in Colorado it has happened on more than one occasion where I could see a baby dark cloud billowing in the distance. I have learned when I see that, whomever I am with, we turn around and go back for the safety of all to the dismay and disappointment of the people I’m hiking with. Many times, just making it back to the trailhead as the skies open up.

After a while when one spends enough time in nature one learns to respect the spirituality that exists in each moment. One enjoys each season as it reveals itself, the weather, and many times there’s no decisions to be made, except to let the weather decide for you what you need. Speaking from personal experience, sometimes choices are made because of a passion, a desire, and one can find themselves in trouble if they act impulsively before they sit, reflect, meditate, pray, and allow the harmony to match with the inner and outer world (or weather). Our bodies are meant to be respected. The weather inside us is to be respected. The weather outside of us is supposed to be respected. By pausing, stopping, learning to listen, many times the answers are right before us. We do not need to create answers to forge ahead. When one is in deep spiritual connection with their Divine Source there’s a natural connection that happens. When we are ready to release, receive, and open to whatever is before us, to whatever is speaking inside of us, both will guide and direct. May we have open hearts, ears, minds to listen to the callings.

Writing Journeys, LLC was born out of a love for exploring the inner and outer winds offering multiple endeavors to create a personal relationship with self and Source. Explore the website and The Heart Revival Center for Yoga in St. Francis, WI where Heidi continues to develop her personal practice. (photo courtesy @lottie.lillian photography)

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