Nature is the most basic stripped away place that takes you back to what’s sacred; the relationships are real and raw. Vulnerability abounds in every direction: above, below, around and through, teaching us over and over again that the only way is through.
Nature reflects back to us who we are because there’s nowhere to go but within. We are surrounded by it. Aggitation, aggression, impatience, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, we can't runaway from what we are feeling. It's there. Loudly speaking to us if we want to listen to it. We have no choice sometimes then, but to sit with discomfort, be still, go within, assuage what’s there in order to be at peace. Even in nature’s storms the earth bends with the relationship, rooted in realness, authenticity, releasing that which needs to be let go. The basic goodness is still present in any aftermath many times creating a clearing to walk through. Breathe easier. Relief. Ease. Maybe rebuilding.

Nature is a safe space where emotions can be felt, held, and set free when we allow our sensitivity to break. Wind, air, water, fire, growth, even the scent of decay brings us back to what’s real; the matters of the heart. Rebirth. What’s important. What’s valuable. What’s steady and stable.

Nature sees us. If one sits quietly enough one can physically sense how nature calms and comforts. Sun on skin and the after effects of radiated warmth from the sunkiss. Wind on the face that pelts the cheeks. Sand in the hand and under feet, sticking to the toes and fingertips. The smell of unearthed pungent dirt and pine sap. The senses are the windows where we allow peace to circumvent through. Peace. The undercurrent of joy, that even though days may challenge, the heart may feel pain, the body can become ill and decay over time like feld trees, we know there’s life there. It’s evident if we allow ourselves to observe and take in the life process. It can be very gentle and can be a peaceful process, if armor is put down. If permission is given to sit and be with whatever is there. Tears give way to laughter. Fear and trembling give way for space as things come down, helping us to remember the basic fundamental aspects of life. That we want ways to help and connect. That we want to feel refreshed, cleansed, and renewed. That we want to love and be loved. It’s a fundamental truth. It’s a choice. Nature generously teaches us how. If we are willing to be open to it.
Find your nature. Be human. Allow yourself to be seen and held. Peace within. Peace without. Be still and know you are loved.

Heidi Nehring is an author of various books of prose and poetry found on Amazon. She chooses to relish in creativity within the woods with blue herons, circling eagles, kissing painted turtles, diving loons, quiet waters, windy storms, divebombing mosquitos, solitude and silence. If anything, she wishes for all people to be gentle with themselves for everything matters and is necessary in the growing and weeding in remembering the Sacred Self.